“Advancing the Kingdom, extending our reach – through Equipping, Encouraging, and Evangelizing”

Greetings, in the name of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ!

On behalf of the Antioch Church Family, inclusive of myself, allow us to take this opportunity to thank you for visiting our web page today! We pray that your experience here will be a blessed one. We seek to familiarize you with our fellowship as well as help uplift your spirit and aid in your daily walk. Our Christian journey is sometimes a painstaking one and we all need each other’s encouragement.

In His Service,
Pastor O.C. Oden, Jr.


We are a Bible-believing church family that shares a purpose, position, and promise.

Our purpose is to be a church that reaches inward to the congregation and outward to the community (Matthew 9:36)

It is our position as a body of Christ to Exalt the Savior, Equip the saints, Evangelize the sinners, Empower the family and Enlist soldiers for the Lord!

We promise, as a church family, to walk by faith and not by sight, to seek God with all of our hearts, to lift Jesus our highest standard, as we seek to do the work of the Kingdom in this ministry (Matthew 6:33).


The Antioch Church family strongly believes in giving, however, we do it a little differently. At no time during our Worship Service will an offering tray be passed. Since 1993, our ministry has been supported strictly by tithes and offerings. We have adopted God’s way and we as a church family recognize that God loves a cheerful giver!

9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Worship Service
10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Sunday School

6:00 p.m. to 6:15 a.m. Prayer
6:15 a.m. to 7:15 a.m. Bible Study